Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Early Fine Motor Skills

The development of fine motor skills are important for the future development of writing skills.  Babies begin developing fine motor skills as they pick up small toys or other small items.  I observed that Sophia was developing her pincer grasp as she would pick up any little fuzz or flake on the carpet.  We then began to use these key fine motor skills to pick up puffs or small bits of food.  Sophia has now developed a love for feeding herself.  I loved watching her pick up the item, put it in her mouth, and then learn to let go and leave it in there :)

Another fun and easy way to help her continue to practice this important skill is to use stickers.  We put a few stickers on her high chair.  I make sure the ends are peeled up and then I let her peel them off.  This takes her a bit longer than picking up food.  Each time we play these games or explore with food, we are working on developing the important muscles she will need for future writing! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Exploring the World We Live In

I am always amazed by the toys that are constantly coming out for young children.  Parents feel the pressure to keep up by getting their child the latest thing that will help them be the smartest child.  Commercials for educational toys promise to make our children the best and brightest.  As I look at these things I find myself asking "How did children do anything before technology?"  Children learn best through play, interactions and experience.  Children love to explore.  Sophia is only 16 weeks old but she is already exploring her world.  She is always watching our facial expressions and taking in every thing around her.  I love watching her face as she observes something new.  Today we went for a walk at the park.  I loved seeing her eyes squint as she was out and about in the sun (living in Ohio, this is a rare thing this time of year).  Do I need to show her books of the sun for her to understand what it is?  No!  She was able to experience it first hand today.  Sure, she doesnt know the word but that will come.  As we walked I explained to her that the sun was shining and as she continues to be exposed to the sunshine, she will know what it is.   

A few weeks ago we discovered our thumb.  That is currently our favorite form of entertainment.  We dont need the fancy pacifier or the fancy teething rings or toys.  Sophia is content with her thumb.  So often I think we forget that children dont need the most impressive toys to have fun.  They need us to interact and play with them.  How many times have your heard it said "dont buy expensive gifts, just give them the box"?  Children are curious and easily amused by things that are going on around them.  We take that creativity away when we do not allow them opportunties to explore the natural wonders of their world. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cause and Effect

Sophia received a Little Tykes toy before she was even born.  Dan and I have put her on the floor to play with it a few times throughout her 12 weeks of life.  Every time she would lay under it and just stare.  I would move her feet onto the shapes to show her that if she kicked them the shapes would light up and music would play.  Yesterday Sophia began using her hands and feet to kick the shapes independently.    Sophia was learning cause and effect!  What a fun way to begin learning such an important concept.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Early Years are Learning Years

As an early childhood educator I am constantly excited to watch children as they explore their world.  Children are always very excited to see new things and to learn about the world we live in.  Sophia has been in the world for a little over 11 weeks and I am already witnessing so much learning.  So many important people in our lives are far away but I want everyone to be able to keep up with the quick changes that are taking place in my sweet little girl. 

At 11 weeks old we are rolling over, trying to sit up and "talking" up a storm.  Dan teases me that she is going to be a talker like her mommy.  You all know how much I like to talk :)

I hope you all will join us on this educational journey!